The Johari Window is a tool used to improve communication and interpersonal relationships by increasing self-awareness and mutual understanding. Developed by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s, the model consists of a four-quadrant grid, representing four different aspects of an individual's personality and how they interact with others.
The four quadrants are:
Open or Arena: The information known to the individual about themselves and which is also known to others. This includes their behavior, feelings, thoughts, and experiences that they share openly.
Blind Spot: The information unknown to the individual about themselves but is known by others. This includes their weaknesses, mannerisms, or behaviors that they are unaware of but others have observed and can share.
Hidden or Façade: The information known to the individual about themselves but unknown to others. This includes their private thoughts, emotions, and experiences that they choose not to share with others.
Unknown: The information unknown to both the individual and others. This includes unexplored talents, hidden traumas, or repressed emotions that are yet to be discovered.
The Johari Window can be used to facilitate communication and improve interpersonal relationships by encouraging individuals to share information about themselves with others, thereby increasing the size of the open quadrant. This can be done through feedback, self-disclosure, and active listening.
The goal is to increase self-awareness and mutual understanding, reduce blind spots and hidden information, and ultimately, increase trust and collaboration. By expanding the open quadrant and reducing the hidden and unknown quadrants, individuals and teams can work more effectively and create a more positive and productive work environment.
The Johari Window is a simple yet powerful tool that can be applied to personal and professional relationships to improve communication and collaboration. It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and the willingness to share information with others, leading to greater understanding and cooperation.